For a lot of people, a new year often signifies a fresh start. For some, this means setting health goals for the year ahead. About 44% of individuals in the US would probably make a New Year’s Resolution, but only 33% get to follow through – the rest may give up in less than a month.

We’ve come up with 5 New Year’s Resolution that you can actually keep to stay healthy for the year 2023.

  1. Find a physical activity that you enjoy
    Whether it be jogging around the block, doing some gardening, walking your pets, riding a bike, following a simple workout video (if you don’t like the outside) or swimming are simple exercises that are sustainable.
Try to set attainable goals such as doing the workout on few specific days per week instead of aiming for every day.
  2. Be more present
    Spend less time on your phone, stop and notice the environment, connect and meet up with others especially your loved ones, create memories through activities that make you spend time with others.
    Activities such as a simple home cooked lunch together, or maybe doing puzzles, or going to a picnic are simple ways to be more present.
Being present decreases negative thoughts and improve psychological health.
  3. Practice self-care and take more “me time”
    Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate and time consuming. It can be as simple as going for a massage, making yourself a healthy meal, going for a nature walk, or getting an extra hour of sleep.
Taking care of oneself is important for optimal health and wellbeing.
  4. Schedule at least an annual checkup with your doctor
    Getting seen by your doctor at least once a year is important. Having regular bloodwork and screening can help spot potential health problems before they become serious.
  5. Cook more meals at home
    Start by making one meal a day, then increase the frequency over time. Home cooked meals make us more mindful of what we put into our body. Aside from this, it helps stimulate our brain when it comes to cooking and preparing especially if it is a new recipe. And what can be more fun than being able to socialize with your loved ones in the kitchen! Cooking together helps our well-being.

The key to sustaining your new year’s resolution is to set attainable goals, incorporate them in your schedule. It doesn’t have to be on a daily schedule, but have it more as a regular thing – do it 2 to 3 times a week, or twice a month, or once a month.

Making more realistic goals, increases the chances of making our new routine last. Whatever it is, improving your physical and emotional health, by taking care of your body and mind can improve your health in various ways.